Wednesday 30 June 2010


This is a video of Alex my housemate finding our naughty cat, Cassius raiding the bin again!  Oh! She keeps calling him 100 as thats her nick name for him as he is 100m miles per hour in everything he does.  Please note the velcro on the bin which was put on as we got a push down bin as he had managed to get in all the other bins we had.  He figured out the push bin within an hour and now it looks like he's figured out the velcro too.  A pad lock next, I think?  Oh and yes!  That is Alex's voice and yes!  I never thought a human voice could get that high pitched either! Crazy.

Saturday 19 June 2010


I got home the other night to find the housemates had converted the dining table into a table tennis court, just because they could.  It turned out to be great fun actually, though I was really shit as I had been out drinking with friends and my vision wasn't great (Well thats my excuse anyway).  I thing we will make it a regular thing and I'll try not be drunk next time?


The other weekend when the weather still felt like summer we ventured out of the wick and over to Hampstead Heath.  In the whole seven years I have been in London, I have never been to Hampstead Heath, but have always wanted to.  You see there is more to Hampstead Heath than MP's getting caught in bushes with their pants down.  It has some of the best views over London, and Ponds that you can swim in, three in fact.  After what seemed like an age of getting all our stuff and people together, we along with Hippy the dog got the train straight to Hampstead, which seemed like heaven because we have had no bastard trains from Hackney Wick since before Christmas!  To get those beautiful views though there is a slight problem!  You have to walk up a hill!  This isn't so easy when its hot, you have a huge picnic to carry and a dog that keeps running off and trying to hump everything in sight!  We eventually made it to a great spot where we drank, ate and sunbathed the afternoon away, and were only interrupted by a slight down pour where we all hid under the trees.  As the sun went down we headed to the pub where we later nicked our wine glasses to take home as we have smashed so many in the house recently there are hardly any left.  Please don't think me a thief, we are in a recession and times are hard so you have to do these things!
Alex exposing herself again
Laura, Me and Alex

Alex caught in the down pour

Hippy Dog

Alex and Nic
A spot of drinking at the station