Sunday 29 July 2012


I met up with my friend John the other week. He was late again, but I didnt find it annoying. I have decided that this maybe a character trait of his. We went to see a band play at Rough trade; he got excited like a kid in a sweet shop; we later drank way too much white wine, discussed anything and everything and my night was finished by me drunkenly waking up my friend, after midnight, who's sofa I was staying on for a couple of days.
I first noticed John some months ago at a gig I went along to with friends called shush were everyone had to keep quiet and reframe from talking. As I find it virtually impossible to keep quiet, this was probably not the best gig for me to go to, as I found myself joking around saying shush a lot, and moaning that most of the bands were so depressing I might top myself. I noticed John because he had one of the best beards ever (love a good beard!) and was extremely stylish. I told myself he looked too cool for school and as I was acting so not cool that night (like most nights for me then!), I should try and keep clear of him.
A couple of weeks later I bumped into him again at a gig at the roundhouse organised by my housemate Linn. This time though I was too drunk to really be afraid of talking to anyone. I spent most of the night talking crazy nonsense to him, but John said he found me funny and was quite happy to listen to me ramble on. I automatically felt I could be completely myself round him, a thing I find hard to do a lot of the time.
John himself I found very interesting. He set up his own record label:Brain love; he has the biggest passion for music I have ever seen in anyone; is obsessed with the Internet and he is in love with Iceland. He also writes a blog!
We did the whole Facebook friend thing that seems to christen most friendships in these modern times. I noticed through my news feed that he wrote a blog. I clicked on the link. As a blogger I am interested in other blogs. Most of the time I find them dull and mundane with no spark to them what's so ever. Johns blog was different. In fact he didn't even call it a blog, but an art work. "Things" the title of this work is one of the most beautiful, trueful and open pieces of writing I have ever read. As an open person myself I have often been criticised for baring all with my writing, but this is who I am. I don't know how to be any other way and actually the more I think about it, I wouldn't want to be any other way either. "Things" was nice to read for me and realise that there are other people in this world who are just as open as you, especially a man, as men find it hard enough to open a door for you these days, never mind their souls.
John was live chatting to me (I think it's his favourite form of communication) when he informed me that a company in Italy are thinking of publishing "Things" into a book format. I told him I would be the first to buy a copy.
I do have one problem with his blog though: I wish I could write as good as this!
Check out Johns blog here:

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