2008 has been a good year though it did not end too well, with the whole of our house coming down with the flu just before Christmas. I haven't had the bloody thing in years and it proper knocked me for six. So I spent most of Christmas day coughing up my guts taking over the role my mother has cherished for the last three years. I think she was slightly jealous of me stealing her invalid limelight, as her response of "Well you know what I've been through for the last couple of years!" was not the most caring. I managed the turkey roast and a couple of glasses of bubbly which I later saw again as I threw it all back up on my mum's sofa later that night. Luckily Jan cleared it up, much to his displeasure as it was during Eastenders and he was dying to know who the father of Roxie's baby was. New year was spent in the wick (Hackney Wick for you who are not down with the lingo!). After a lot of the usual crap of what we were going to do for new year and not doing any of it, we decided on a last minute house party. I think it was very good what I can remember? The first day of the New year like it has been for so many years was spent mainly in bed with a hangover and tidying the flat which looked like more of a bomb had hit it that usual. I have made my resolutions and wishes, for 2009 that will probably last 5 minutes, but I will stick to making it a good year.
No observations this time. I have decided to recap on 2008 with the good and bad so here it is:
Probably not the best or strongest of stories but when a film looks this good all that goes out the window. Just beautiful.

BEST TV: Summer Heights High
I'm totally addicted. So close to the edge, but the funniest thing in ages. Chris Lilley is a genius.

BEST ALBUM: This was a close one for me as I loved the Vampire weekend's, Beirut and the Kings of Leon, but the winner has to be Elbow and the Seldom seen Kid.

WORST MOMENT 0F 2008: The Flu was bad but nothing beats the Bed Bug invasion!
BEST MOMENT OF 2008: There were so many but I it has to be those Gilli Island sunsets. The most beautiful ever and lasted forever to.
Weddings are like buses: haven't been to one in years then 4 come along at once. 2008 was the year of the wedding. First my brother and yuko, who now have baby on the way. Then the wedding of the year(without OK magazine!), my oldest friend Liz and her lovely fellow Paul. Third was Kaye a child hood friend and then last Jan's friend Mihal and Gosia in Krakow in Poland. Polish weddings rock, all that Vodka! Anyway I wish all the couples the best for 2009 and hope I have some more weddings in 2009 (There a good way of getting pissed for free!)
After the travels it was back to the grind. I returned to Holby City again and did a spell on Jonathan Creek, but it was Trinity that was high light of my year, work wise. Believe me this show will not win any awards and will be probably a big pile of crap, but for the fun factor it comes in at number one. I got to work Miss Beard for the first time and the lovely Hen came into our lives. Also we had the mad and brill Miss June Nevin, a great cast and all are mates in to do dailies. Great fun.
It was a historic moment when Barrack Obama was elected the American President, but I am going to Miss poor old W. Yes he is an idiot, but what entertainment he has given us for the last 8 years. Politics will never be as funny again. Wait a second we still have Boris Johnson!

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