Tuesday 17 May 2011


Sometimes, I wish I had a penis, I really do. Sorry that sounds a little strange! What I mean to say, is that I wish sometimes I was a man. It would just be so much easier, especially when traveling, because as much as I hate to say it, the truth of the matter is, it's a man's world out there. Men just have it all there own way. They get don't periods; they can sleep with as many people as they want and get called studs, while women just get called slags; they are always right, even when they are wrong; they usually get better looking as they get older; and they can pee easily in public places. Yes its most certainly a man's world!

In Latin America, I have found myself in probably the heart of a male dominated society, where what the man says rules, where most men have affairs as often as meals; where a woman's main purpose is to please a man. Being as fiery and as fiercely independent as I am, I was always going to find this side of Latin America hard to stomach. I've never been good with men telling me what to do. In fact my head strong ways with men, has often given me the reputation of being a crazy girl, but only from men, (funny that)!

So I now I found myself on my travels, in Buenos Aires; the most, vibrant, cosmopolitan city in Latin America; the place of the beautiful people; the Paris of the south. I had also heard from others on the road it was the place where there were the most Arrogant men on earth. Well this is going to be interesting I thought. I had experienced some Argentineans in Cartagena, in Colombia, where the Buenos Aires rich kids went for vacation. They were some of the most handsome men I have ever seen in my life, but boy did they know it! Their arrogance seeped from their pores as they sat there, thinking; look at me; look at how beautiful I am; I'm God dam amazing! Yeah what ever, I thought!

My friend back in London, Prue, had put me in contact with her friend Alejandro, a local to Buenos Aires, who she had met during a trip to Costa Rica. Prue had warned me before hand, that even though she adored Alejandro, he was very Argentinean, which meant very arrogant. Oh God, did she not realise she was asking for trouble, by giving me an arrogant man to hang out with and to be my guide! When you last left me, on my adventure I was alone in the bus station after arriving in Buenos Aires. The first thing I did was ring Alejandro, as he had asked me to, when I got to the city. The conversation is as follows:
"Hola, it's Carly, Prue's friend."
"Did you get my emails? Why have you not responded!"
"I've been on a bus for 24 hours"!
"Why didn't you say"!
"Because I've been on a bus for 24 hours"!
"Why are you ringing me at this time, I was a sleep"!
"Its 10.00am, it's not that early and you told me to ring you remember"?
"I've got you an apartment, to say in"!
"Why did you do that! I told you I was going to say in a hostel"!
"Don't you want a place of your own"?
"Of course I do, but I backpacking, I can't afford it"!
"Hostels are expensive here, you can afford it"!
" How much is it"?
"$300 dollars per week. You won't find a hostel cheaper than that!"
" I have, it's 60 Pesos a night, a third of that price."
"I'm going to the hostel".
"Come here now, to mine. You can have a shower".
"Why, when I can go to my hostel and have one?"
"My place is better"!
"What are you going on about"!
"So your not coming here"?
"No, do you not listen to me"!
"Only 30% of the time. Right woman, you woke me up. I'm going back to sleep. Ring me or Face Book me later woman and we go out."
The line goes dead, and I'm left there holding the phone wondering what the hell just happened. Wait a second, I think to myself, did he just call me woman? Yes he did! Twice! Something tells me this is going to be war!

After a few very direct face book messages, we arrange for him to pick me up from my hostel. He is not a disaapointment, he's exactly as I imagined; very handsome, brimming in confidence and completely arrogant! Its clear from the off me and him are going to have a feisty relationship. He tells me to shut up woman a lot. I tell him to shut up too, a lot. I tell him he's very annoying; he's says I'm annoying. I tell him he's the most arrogant man I've ever met in my life (and that's saying something)! He's says he's not arrogant, he's just the best at everything, because he's Argentinean! He says Argentina has the best looking people, are the best lovers and are the best at football. I tell him the English invented football. He said it doesn't matter as we are shit and Argentina kick our ass.
"What by cheating with your hands"! is my reply.
He then runs round the room waving his hand above his head, shouting
"The hand of God, Maradonna is a God".
"No he's not", I retort " He's a fat, drug, using, alcoholic now"! This goes down like a ton of bricks.
"Woman I will forgive you for what you have just said, but others would kill you for that, Maradonna is a God here"!
"What ever"! I snap.
"Oh and don't tell anyone here your English, we hate the English. Tell them your Austrailia or Canadian other something"!
"I will not! What, is this because we beat you in the Falklands. Don't be a sore loser"!

As you can tell, we spend most of our time widing each other up and arguing. I think if you were a fly on the wall you would find us very entertaining. All that said, I have actually grown very fond of him. Underneath all the bravado, was actually some one very sweet. He took me out every day, opened doors for me and even though I found it hard at first, he paid for things. It was quite old fashion behaviour, something I'm not use to as a modern independent woman, but is it wrong to say that I actually quite liked it. I guess deep down inside, I do for all my feistiness, like some one taking care of me.

Ale (That's what I started calling him) invited me to his house leaving party on the Saturday. I got an email to say to bring as many women as possible, but no men. When I turned up with just me, he was like,
"Why didn't you bring any women"!
"Its not rent a brothel" I told him "So piss off"! And stormed up stairs. I then realised why he wanted me to bring more girls, as I stormed into his flat to find I was the only girl, in a room of about 20 Argentinean guys. Not like I was complaining, most of them were hot. Heaven! There I was sat amongst all these guys, and the total centre of attention. It didn't last long, as Alejandro's girls did eventually turn up, though I did at one point, accuse him of not knowing any! Not like it mattered. I had an amazing night. I think I made friends, danced and had fun with everyone there. The guys were total filrts, like I expected them to be, but there is one instance from the night that stands out. I was talking to one of Ale's friends most of the night called Thomas who was very handsome with big blue eyes, who seemed quite charming. As it came time for him to leave he waltzed up to me and casually said " I'm going home now. Are you coming with me or not"? I stood there, thinking you cheeky bastard and said " "Ermmm? NO"!
He stormed off. Five minutes later he came up to me again, tapping numbers into a phone, and said, "Well just so you know, I'm ringing another girl now, because its Saturday night and I need sex, and she will give it to me"!
I'm sat there, thinking what the hell! Then I let rip! I inform him that he's crazy, that does he think by saying this I will go "Oh, sorry! I am now really jealous. Please can I come home with you"; that his behaviour is rude and not acceptable to me; that women are not something you just have sex with and for him to get some respect. After my rant he left. I later find out, he's married with a kid. It doesn't surprise me, nothing does anymore. This is why I would never have a Latin boyfriend, you could never trust them. There is a lot to be said for English guys actually. Apart from that it was an amazing night and I crawled back to the hostel at 2.00pm the next day. Hard core or what!

I really like football, even though I don't get to watch it enough (I'm a Man United supporter, if anyone is interested). Being in South America I really wanted to go and watch a match, because for once I did agree with Alejandro, they are the best at football. Ale had agreed to take me to a River Plate game on the Sunday, but that was before he was grumpy, tired and hungover from his house party.
"Woman, why are you making me take you to a football match, why can't you go on your own"?
" Because you said you would take me, and no I will not go on my own, I'm a lady, so shut up"!
We carried on arguing all the way to the match. The game itself was amazing. We were squashed into the standing area, like sardines, but I didn't care. The atmosphere was electric. The drums, the chanting, the dancing, I loved it. River lost 2-0 to all boys. It was a big upset, but on the bright side I learnt lots of swear words in Spanish that evening.

I could of quite happily of stayed in Bueno Aires for ever. I fell in love with the place and the people, even the men, but I had to go. The destination of Rio was out there still waiting, patiently like it had for nearly five months. I couldn't keep it waiting any longer.

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