Monday 10 September 2012


You know who your real friends are when the shit hits the fan.  A couple of years ago I went through a horrible break up.  We lived together and it was that terrible situation where one of you has to go.  As I believed he was in the wrong, I told him that he had to move out.  The problem was until he found some where else to go, the thought of staying under the same roof as him seemed impossible to me.  I rang my friend Ali, as I knew she had a spare room.
"Ali can I stay with you, I don't know where to go", I remember saying tearfully down the phone.  She welcomed me with open arms and took me on for two weeks, though I can hardly say I was a barrel of laughs and was constantly in tears.  It didn't matter, she looked after me all the same; cooked me food; poured me wine and listened to me spill my heart out.  I have always remembered this and how she was there for me when it counted.
Not long after, Ali & me went on a trip to Paris.  I needed cheering up, and she had never been.  We spent most days walking, seeing the sights, drinking and eating too much and staring a Chanel bags that we couldn't afford.  It cheered me up no end, but I wasn't the only one that needed cheering up.  Ali was down in the dumps too.  She had been trying Internet dating and had the misfortune to come across a precession of idiots.  She wanted to give it up; it wasn't working for her, but  She had received an email from a guy on the site.  His name was Kevin.  She was unsure of whether to give him a chance.  It was decided that she would try one last time, and thank God she did, because here I am at the final wedding of this years trio.  Their wedding!  It was right with them from the beginning.  There was no trauma, or the complications, that we come to expect these days from modern relationships.  It has always seemed easy and they are happy.  I think a lot of us, these days have forgotten that a relationship can be just that; easy and happy, but when it is right, it is always that way.
The wedding itself was just as quirky as them (They have a bizarre, mental sense of humor, which I love): Elevator music during the signing of the register; scrabble place names; Fizz Wizz sweets for dessert; Wellies as foot wear; and Kevin wearing a T-shirt with "Game over" written on it.  Too much wine; lots of dancing; Claire doing the splits by accident and a hall party in our B&B with Debbie passed out on the floor to finish the night! Perfect!

For Mr & Mrs West. xxx

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