Friday 3 January 2014


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

-Mark Twain

I was twenty five when I first went back packing. I was a pretty late starter, but I have been with most things in life. Though I believe when you find things later than most, you tend to have a deeper love for it, as you have a better understanding. Nearly ten years on my love for travel has not faded. It's as bad as ever. I find some people skeptical of me going off still with my back pack at my age. "She should be settling down by now! What's wrong with her? She's flighty? What's she running away from?" they think. The truth is there is nothing wrong with me. I just love traveling that's all. It makes me feel alive. It makes me happy. There is a big world out there full of amazing things and I want to see it all. When I'm an old woman sat there in my chair withering away I want to say I have lived. There is plenty of time to settle down, if I want to, if I ever met anyone that would make me want to that, but I don't like the word settled. It sounds boring. Maybe a fellow adventurer sounds better to me, in what ever that maybe be?
So here I go again. This time I'm going back to South America. I have a flight into Buenos Aires and a flight out of Lima, what I do in between is always subject to change, but the plan is to head to Uruguay and up through Brazil to the Amazon and eventually to Peru! But who the Hell knows. On this trip I will be accompanied by my good friends Prue and Becky for part of the way (God help South America) and in parts I will be hooking up with my hard done to old traveling pal from India, the wonderful Lauren (God help her)! So if you want to know if I crash a moped; get attacked by monkeys; get felt up on a train while I'm asleep; have a drunk naked German roaming my dormitory at night; get caught in dynamite riots; throw up a lot on a dangerous boat journey; don't wash for over a week; or simply get E. coli again, tune into this blog. If you don't care one bit, go and read fifty shades of grey or X Factor or something. South America here I come!!!!!!!!

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