It happens all the time when it comes to romance. Love is found, love is lost and somebody ends up hurt. I have just split up with my boyfriend of 2 years who I lived with. Its not been a good break up in fact its been bloody horrendous! I'm not going into details, there is no need, but he has probably hurt me more, than anybody has hurt me. At the moment everything is raw and my emotions are all over the place. One minute I'm crying, the next angry: I'm laughing and strong, then I'm anxious. Its a process, that I must get through and that only time will make better. I'm lucky that I have such good family and friends around me for support, and it was one of my friends that gave me the following advice. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of a break up I should list 10 things that is good about our break up: things that I will not miss or that bugged me. I'm told to use this exercise as a kind of therapy. So here we go, with my 10 things:
1. I can sleep on my side of the bed now, without you trying to say it was yours, all the time.
2. I can go to the fridge and find a chocolate moose and fruit juice still there, because you have not drank and ate it all.
3. I don't have to get you Birthday or Christmas presents anymore. Actually becoming single is a tip for all you people out there, to save money during the credit crunch.
4. I don't have to make apologizes for your rudeness anymore.
5. I don't have to listen to your crap German rap anymore.
6. I don't have to worry about my car coming back in one piece because you are such a bad driver.
7. I won't have to put up with you groping me all the time, like a piece of meat.
8. I can decorate my room and the office the way I want to.
9. I don't have to pick your dirty underwear off the floor anymore.
10. I don't have to feel constantly disappointed and let down with this relationship again!
I tell you what? I feel better for that already.
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