With everything that has gone on in my life recently, you would think that a wedding show is the last place I would want to be, but it turned to be a fun day out. My mum, after being with her partner, Paul, forever, has decided to finally take the plunge and get married next July on the exact date they met 25 years ago. Its the most anticipated wedding since Charles and Lady Di. All very exciting. To get some ideas me, Mum and my sister Paula decided to go to the National Wedding show at the NEC in Birmingham. As a person that has never been particularly bothered about getting married, I find it very interesting watching, all these young women preparing their wedding, an event which they have dreamed of for most of their life. The problem is, it seems to turn some of them into monsters or Bridezilla's as me and Paula call them. They push past everyone and take over everything, not letting anyone get a look in. Not that half of it was worth looking at. God! You should have seen some of the dresses some of them where trying on! Some people have no taste! I did find a cool store though called Fur coat and No Knickers which is just off Carnaby Street, and specialises in vintage wedding and evening dresses, which would be my choice for a wedding.

Mum tried on some lovely dresses and we think we know what dress and designer she is going to go for, but I can't show you the photos as that would be giving it away. So instead I'm going to show you some photos of people that have got that special day so wrong, that it is beyond words!

* Mum has decided that me and Paula can choose our bridesmaid dresses. Is she mad! Its like chalk and cheese together. We will never agree. I don't want to look like a wag and she does, just not do retro!
* I have been staying at Paula's and she has introduced me to the world of Wii fitness, which makes you stand on a board in front of the TV and do silly fitness moves that make you look like an idiot. It told me I have no fitness or balance. Tell me something I don't know!
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