So I went to the legend that is the cocktail bar Lounge Lover, for the first time on Saturday. Its just the most amazing place like Aladdin's cave full of treasures. Its owned by the same people who own Les Trois Garcons (still not been there yet, but I'm dying to, and have said the first guy who does take me, I'll marry him!). Garcons use to be an antiques shop but they turned it into a restaurant and just left all the items from the shop in there too. Luckily it seems that they had enough left over for Lounge Lover as well. It looks amazing. I've decided I want to decorate the flat like it (Note to one's self: Need more money and time to go searching around the world for artifacts! Solution=marry millionaire!) The lover (That's it's cool name) does some of the best cocktails in London and with of a price tag of nearly £10 for one, its a bloody good job! With the fact that I could only afford one cocktail the pressure was on to, pick the perfect drink. The problem is the list is so God dam long, you lose track of what there is, just to much choice! I decided in the end on the Moulin Rogue, because I like Paris and the film (Alright! You try and come up with a better reason!) It was a good choice, but it did go down too easily and quickly! After that it was back onto the good old Rose at a more affordable price! Maybe I should of stuck to the cocktails, as I would not of got so drunk!

Address: 1 Whitby Street, (off Club Row) E2 7DT
Tel: 020 7012 1234
Email: info@loungelover.co.uk
* I keep losing things. As soon as I find something, I lose another! Now I have lost my camera battery charger, which is shit. A camera is no good without bloody batteries!
* Everything I brought from the Flea market the other day was red. Maybe its my new colour of choice? Well my mother will be glad as she says my wardrobe has looked like an undertakers for years!
* Thinking about alcohol a lot because I can't drink any at the moment as my housemates have bet me to go on a detox for a week. God is only day 2!
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