Thursday 10 January 2013


I'm off on my travels again people. Drum roll: and this time I am heading back to India. Though you have probably guessed that already from the photo above, with me holding a big book with India written on it!
Indian is definitely one of my favourite countries that I have travelled to. Though its a bit like Marmite with people: You either love it or you hate! I love it! When people say to me they have been to India and they like it, I ask, where?
I tell them they really haven't been to India. Goa is completely different from the rest of India. I'm not sure whether half the people would still love India if they left Goa. The real India is poor, dirty, over crowded, full on and hard, but it is the most exciting adventure as well. It has an energy you can't describe. There are times though, even when you love your Marmite a lot, you have days when you think, I'm a bit tired of Marmite today, I've had too much; Today I would like a smooth peanut butter on a whole grain bagel. Yes even with my beloved Indian, there are days it pushes me to the edge and you want some time out, but then some thing amazing will happen again and realised why you loved her and still do.
For my third venture into India, I will be taking with me, my long suffering trainee from work, Lauren, Who is a virgin to India. Her parents think she is going with sensible adult (if only they knew)! In fact Lauren is the level headed one out us, so it will probably be her looking after me and making sure I don't do anything stupid (a tough task indeed)!
So India here we come. Attack us with cows and monkeys; let us be stared at constantly; let people touch our hair; let us get Delhi belly; let us wear really bad hippy clothing; let the men on the train pretend to brush past us but really they are touching our breasts (I really hate that one)! Yes bring it on, and anything else you can throw at us! We can take it!
NB* Please remind me of this in a couple of weeks, when I'm sat in a grotty hotel room after being attacked by cows and monkeys, while I'm being sick from Delhi belly and I've also got a soar hand from slapping all the men who have been touching me up; I have had all my hair pulled out and I'm wearing a really bad tie dye combo! Also I don't even like Marmite, it's disgusting!

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