Tuesday 2 December 2014


I would really like to be a bear right now. I've decided that bears are cool! "Why?" You ask. Well it's because bears hibernate, and all I really wish I could do right now, is curl up into a ball and fall asleep and hide away from the world a little bit. I'm so tired right now. I'm tired of work. I'm tired of dating and men. I'm tired of idiots. I'm tired of 80 hour working weeks. I'm tired of getting up at 5.30am 6 days a week. I'm tired of getting home late. I'm tired of the dark and the cold. I'm tired of the rain. I'm tired of traffic and queues. I'm tired of parties. I'm tired of socialising. I'm tired of small talk. I'm tired of hackney wick. I'm tired of London. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of being tired! Yes hibernation would be a lovely thing right now. Unfortunately us humans don't have that setting in us. Really, someone should write to God as the manufacturer, and tell him there is a fault in his design, because imagine how much better the world would be if humans hibernated and had a little time out from it all. I'm sure if Kim Jong il had 3 months out hibernating, he'd wake up thinking, "God! I've realised after having some rest I've been a complete bastard recently, so I'm going to give up being a nasty dictator and give the power of the country to the people, and cancel all public executions, including those of my close family!"
In fact if people had hibernated before Black Friday, it would of been renamed "Fluffy Pink Friday" and everyone would of been kind and helpful to one another instead of trying to kill each other by hitting one another with Plasma screen TV's, and thus signifying the fall of mankind!
Time out is what is needed right now from life and as hibernation isn't an option, I'm going to do the next best thing (actually it's a lot more fun than hibernation), I'm going to take myself off from my world for a bit and not think about it at all for a bit. I believe this is called escapism! Oh and guess what? I'm the master of escapism, because escapism is fun. Escapism is adventure, so why the Hell not!
This time my escapism (sorry I mean travels!) takes me firstly to visit my brother and his family in Japan, then on to Australia to take advantage, like a traveling gypsy of all the friends I have accumulated over there, over the years. The final part of the journey, is a little unsure but exciting all the same. Sri Lanka for filming or exploring Burma. Either way I'm not complaining.
I'm traveling a little heavier than usual due to the fact that as soon as my mother found out I was going to Japan before Christmas she went crazy buying Christmas presents for the family and I'm now weighted down with a suitcase the size of a tank which has nearly taken all my luggage allowance. It's a good job me and my back pack travel light. I'm taking this as my mothers revenge for all my years of traveling that have given her slight heart attacks and added to her grey hairs (not like she has any of course)?
I sit here now waiting for my flight the most excited I have felt in a long time, but at the same time with enormous sense of guilt, that I shouldn't be going at all, for reasons I won't explain. It just means the first week I don't feel I will relax properly, but hopefully after that it will be all good. Anyway it's done now. I'm checked in, waiting and ready to go. I hope these travels will lead to as many good stories as before and hopefully I will be a better blogger than my last travels, as I didn't really keep up to date and finish them which was a first. I did have a good a excuse though as my phone did get it stolen in the first week, when I was really drunk in a Buenos Aires nightclub, an experience I do not wish to repeat. Actually that's not true as it was a bloody good night, well apart from the bit I was crawling around on my hands and knees on the dance floor looking for a phone I was never going to find.
Anyway I think my gate has been called. It's time to hit that road. Cue Canned Heat: on the Road Again. This girl is Gone Girl! Woo hoo!
First stop Tokyo!

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