Monday 21 January 2008


There are many addictions in this day and age: drugs, alcohol, fags, food, you name it, but if I was to stand up at an addicts meeting and confess my sin, I would say "My name is Carly, I'm twenty eight years old and I am a ebay addict!"  In truth I have been full member of ebay now, for over two years, and even though I did get the odd thrill when I managed to win someone's old crap on a auction I would never class myself as an addict.  That was until I started selling!  There's nothing better than selling!  With my finances in crisis and my boredom taking over me I ventured into my parents loft and found pile upon Pile of old crap, all belonging to me!  The cogs began turning!  "If I buy any old shit on ebay, then people will surely buy my old shit!" I thought to myself.  So, began my descent into addiction.  It started slowly.  I just put my old porcelain doll collection at first, which as a child I thought them once beautiful, while everyone around me thought they were rather freaky.  One day I woke up and saw the light and since then they have remained in boxes under the rafters, until now.  After I put them on the auction, I felt unfulfilled still, it wasn't enough!  I wanted to sell more!  More I tell you!  Bags, books, coats, hats, shoes, even mum and Paul's cross trainer (mum said she can't use it as she has bust her knee, though I think she just can't be arsed!) They are all up for sale and yours if you want to pay £2 and postage and packaging charges.  It seems I have sold my soul to the devil called ebay, all for the grand total of £22.50 (my earnings so far!)  I feel I could even sell myself.  If I did it would go as follows:


Age: 28

Make: Female

Origin: Northern!

Colour: Bleach blonde.  Sometimes orange if it puts on to much fake tan.

Condition:  A bit rough round the edges (It is from Warrington!)

Height: Lanky

Weight:  Unknown, but keeps being told to put some on, usually by the mother!

This item is of not much use, apart from when it comes to trivial pursuit and anything else where useless information is needed.  Does not need batteries but does require a lot of alcohol to keep fueled.


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