Snow is like Marmite: you either love it or hate it! It's not just kids that love it. Snow can turn even the most sensible of adults into little children including me ( though I have never been classed as sensible!) When I was younger we had a green plastic sledge from B&Q which me and my brother, Darren loved playing with for hours every timed it snowed (Paula, my sister, didn't really do snow!) We were still playing with that sledge up until our late teens, with us looking a little big and out of place with the rest of the 8 year old sliding down the hill in the local park. On a break from Uni it started to snow and me and Darren immediately rushed to the shed to for the sledge only to find it gone.
"Mum where the sledge!"
"I got rid of it."
"You got rid of it!"
"Well it had a big hole in it!"
"So, we could of fixed it!"
"Carly, you and Darren are 20 and 21!"
IE that means your too old, so get over it. I still haven't forgiven her!
As the heaviest snow fall in 18 years hit London yesterday I wished I had my old sledge. I Woke up Monday morning with a text from Howard to say he didn't own a snow plough so not to bother coming to work. Brilliant! I rushed to window to see a winter wonderland. I usually hate the dull and dead landscape of winter, I find it depressing, but this was beautiful. The snow had turned the ugly Wick into a fantasy land and I couldn't wait to get out there. Unfortunately not everyone shared my enthusiasm! Angus and Oil (Who I know would be snow lovers) aren't here. SSam took one look out of the window and made one of here funny moaning noises and said she was going to stay inside all day and Jan said he just wanted to hibernate. All very annoying! Luckily Jan came round to the idea after he got up and so he should, being from Berlin ( They must get snow all the time there!) We went to Vicky park along where the rest of the Hackney population who all seemed very pleased with having a day off work. We Didn't make a snow man as Jan seemed more interesting in destroying them like a hyperactive child, than producing one. Well you win some and loose some!
* I need to stop drinking wine. I get far to drunk on it.
* All my fashion sense goes out the window with this cold weather. Its all about warmth and not style which means I look like a cross between Helena Bonham Carter ( Bad dress sense!), a tramp and Michelin man.
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