Oh Jesus! Its been so hot lately. Not like I want to be one of those British people that complain when its hot: I love the heat, but Oh boy! Its been hot. I came back to London to find the whole flat had turned into a green house! That's the problem with Oslo House: Siberia in winter; the Tropics in the summer. As the week went on and the temperatures got higher, me and the housemates seemed to be stripping off to just the bare essentials, and the place was going to start looking like a nudist resort if the temps when any higher. One good thing was, it was way to hot for the cats and they just lay passed out all day like normal cats do, instead of running riot round the place and ruining everything in their path. The only solace there has been is when the evening comes and the breeze from the roof terrace. It also means that the evening weather is just right for an outdoor party, even better a roof party, and on Friday night that's just what happened. Our fellow neighbour, the lovely Miss Josephine Chime, has a supper club called The Sit down Affair, which she just happened to be holding at her flat at Oslo House that night. Due to it being so hot and way to many guests she decided to have it on the lovely roof terrace instead, which I was very pleased about for two reasons:
1. The obvious one, that is was way to hot inside (I know, I keep moaning about the heat).
2. I got to show off my lovely garden that I have been working on all year, which is good, as long as no one decided to piss on it like the last roof party at last years Hackney Wicked!!
So we sat down to a great three course meal in great surroundings, great atmosphere and great music as Josephine & Co had drafted in their mates to DJ. After the meal, things become a little blurry due to amount of wine I had consumed, but I remember we had a amazing party, dancing, topless Ping Pong, me telling the boy's of the house to Piss off lots, the police coming to shut us down at about 1.30am???? and me collapsing and falling a sleep on the sofa after deciding my room was to hot to sleep in. A great night and bring on the heat if produces parties like that!
Check out The Sit Down Affair website and blog
here for more info about upcoming events and more photos.
Whoop! Whoop! Itz tha sounda Polize! Boo!
Brilliant pictures Carly
ReplyDeleteThe police are spoil sports!