Tuesday 21 December 2010


So this Saturday my friends arranged a leaving meal for me, as I have been so busy and too tired with work to do anything.  Well when I said arranged, they told everyone to come round ours for a meal on Saturday which I would be cooking!  It turns out I'm more popular than I thought, as  I was cooking for 18 persons!  People who know me well, know that I hate cooking.  I get freaked out if I have to do anything more than warm up some soup in a pan.  Luckily Angus came to the rescue by helping me and suggesting we cook his much loved butternut squash risotto, which would also cater for all the bloody vegetarians ( I hate vegetarians, there a pain in the arse!)  He also went to Billingsgate market first thing to get oysters and scallops for the starters (What a star!)  Actually the cooking thing I don't mind once I get into it, and I'm surprisingly alright at it!  The only stress of the night in the end was finding enough places to sit everyone.  Everyone brought a bottle and I proceeded to get more drunk and open the Moet from Billy Piper and drink my new favourite, expensive Whisky, given to me by the West (Dominic West) as a leaving present.  Alex was her usual crazy self by dressing up in Sophie's fox fur and roaming round the house pretending she was an animal for the cats to play with (the girl doesn't even drink really, imagine if she did!)  I was given a special early Crimbo present from Debs, which she got on her job Benidorm.  Its a vest that says "Good girls go to heaven.  Bad girls go to Benidorm."  I have now been laid down the challenge by the girls, to take it traveling with me and have my picture wearing it around as many well known sites in South America as possible; so basically making a tit of my self again.  Luckily I don't care, never have.  That's the good thing about being an exhibitionist.  The night ended with a trek in the snow to a house party on fish island, which we returned from a 5.00am, very cold and slightly bruised, after falling over in the snow so much.  Thanks guys for my  a great last supper and making my last weekend in London for a while, such a special one.  I will miss you, even though I like to tell myself I won't.

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