Thursday 2 February 2012


I know this is a bit late for a review, but people I have been in Mexico (I know hard life)!  Anyway it seems fitting that I should spend the end of last year and see in a new one, abroad; because in 2011, I spent more time out of the UK than in it.  I started the year feeling ready for a something different, an adventure and a change, but most importantly a change in me, and that is exactly what I got.  I know its sounds corny to say it, but I feel like a different person to the one that started a trip in Costa Rica, feeling low on self esteem in every way shape and form. This year I proved to myself that I can do things I never thought I could do and my self confidence has grown, in not just work, but with in me as a person.  The most important thing I learnt this year is to like myself (God I'm starting to sound like one of those self help books)!  Who knows what 2012 holds, but I do know already that my life is going to completely change this year.  For the better or the worst, it remains to be seen, but at the moment I am looking at it as a new start, its up to me what I make of it.


Well it wouldn't be a proper year for me if I wasn't jetting off somewhere with my back pack.  I do believe that I am well and truly addicted these days, and I don't think it will ever stop.  When I'm 70 I will still be there with my back pack, in some far off land, staying in some shit hole, getting food poisoning, having ice cold showers, but still having the most amazing adventures.
This year saw me travel Central and South America for 5 months. I have travelled a lot of Asia in the past and I love it.  I never thought anywhere could beat Asia, but I do believe that Latin America may have just done that.  I love the place and the people, it has a magic that you can't describe. From the tropical jungles, to the snow capped peaks of the Andes, it was the most amazing adventure I think I have ever had on my travels. This trip was all about building, and pushing myself.  I met the most amazing people, saw the most beautiful landscapes and have memories that will stay with me until the day I die.
I finally got to go somewhere in Spain that wasn't swarming in a ton of British package holiday makers, and I didn't see an English pub in site (Yeah)!  I went to Madrid.  Even better I went on a girly trip with the lovely Miss Becky B, and we did what we do best which is chat, eat, drink and be completely clueless.  I also got to catch up with Martin again. Its the most chilled capital city I've ever been to and has great food, people and weather to go with it.  I loved it there and I will definitely be returning.
I finished the year in Mexico with Olex, but you guys know all about that already? Well if you read my bloody blog you do?  I only did a small part of the country, but I already have a plan to go back, buy a VW Beetle in Mexico city and drive all the way down and through to Guatemala.  Now that would be an adventure, especially as I have never driven on the other side of the road and know absolutely nothing about cars, or actually is it just insane?


First up my old school friend Miss Kerry Hogan, who married the lovely Martin and became Mrs Scott. It was a good excuse to go up north for the weekend and catch up with all my old friends from the manner.  A great day.
Next was my cousin Ryan, who married the beautiful Hannah, in a ceremony where there wasn't a dry eye in the house, well apart from mine (I don't cry a weddings; remember)? All the best for the future for the two new lovely couples.  2012 is going to be the year of weddings for me.  Three of my best friends are getting married: Arrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well I didn't work for over 5 months this year, as I had far better things to do like travelling, of course!  But I did have to come back to reality as I was totally broke and you do need to to this thing called work to survive (Life hey)!  The good thing about this year though was I got to mix travel with work.  My perfect combination.

I have been in this industry for 10 years nearly and the most exotic location I have ever got to go to, is some gorge in Leyton Buzzard that was doubling for Jerusalem!  This year I finally got to go abroad with work.  OK, it wasn't the most exotic location it being Benidorm, but it was hot and not Blackpool, and in fact I had the most amazing time.  I'm glad I was only on it for a bit though; I don't think my liver could of taken the whole 3 months of that job.
They say things happen for a reason, and after not getting on a job I thought I was going to get, I found myself flat broke and with no work insight, feeling low, but then I got a phone call.  The next thing I was in Morocco working with a team of 15 Moroccans who Eventually I got left in charge of, working with costumes I never worked with before, on a drama documentary called Mankind, the story of us.  For me this was a job that was character changing.  I have never had much belief in myself and put myself down a lot.  I came back from Morocco with a new found confidence in myself and my work.  I now actually believe that I can do things.

The end of the year marked a huge change for my family.  My brother finally got the amazing job offer that he had been working for, for so long.  Sadly it is in Tokyo, and so that means my brother Darren; his wife, Yuko; and my Nephew Leo are now living on the other side of the world.  You have to look on the good side though; its a great job from my brother, Leo who is half Japanese will grow up bilingual and I get to visit Tokyo again, as its one of my favourite places ever.

Lana Del Ray: Video Games
I can't listen to it too much though as it makes me cry.

Gonjasufi: A Sufi & A Killer
It was actually released in 2010, but I was only introduced to it in 2011 and I can't stop listening to it. Here is my favourite track from the album; Dobermins.

The Skin I Live in.  Totally amazing film.

The Killing!  I was totally obsessed with it.  I want to be Sarah Lund.  I want. No, I need that jumper.  Probably the best TV series ever, the Danish version that is!

HAPPY 2012.

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