Its funny the way we see our parents. We look at them as these people that always nag us, won't let us do what we want, embarrass you always at the worst time and then there is the main one; that you can never get over the fact that they have wiped your arse! You forget that they were young once like you. I was reminded of this fact this week, as I have been at home in the Warrington. Out of boredom in between doing the rounds of family visits I raided the spare room wardrobe and pulled out two old fashioned, dusty photo albums. Opening them up I became fascinated! I have always been compared to my mum, with relatives at family get togethers, proclaiming loudly, "Oh Lynette! Isn't she just like you!" much to my disdain!
"I'm not like my mother, I'm an individual!" I would shout with teenage anger. Its funny how I hated it back then, but now as I looked through the album, I thought "Yeah! I would love to be like mum. She's hot and stylish!" Mum has always been a woman that has looked after her appearance, but me and her have always differed on style. I think she thinks I'm a bit of a scruffy hippy! Its because I am a bit of a hippy though that I loved her 70's fashions. God! I would love to wear that wardrobe now, especially the high waisted flares (Very Chloe!). So this post is dedicated to my Mum and just so you know, she is still looking great now. Mrs Griffith's rocks!

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