One never usually knows, what one wants to wear for a wedding, but I knew there was one item of clothing I was going to wear: stockings! They are only a recent addition to my wardrobe, but now I'm slightly addicted to them. They make you feel so good! You could be wearing a bin bag and looking like shit, but if your wearing stockings underneath you still feel like sex on legs, that's how good they are. Also, they drive men wild! As it was my old school friend, Nicky's wedding back in Warrington, I decided to splash out and buy myself a new pair of Agent Provocateur one's, as my Jonathan Astons had a few ladders in them. I decided in the end to go the full works and get really dressed up by wearing my Stop Staring dress, with side split and red heels for maxium effect! As I walked down stairs feeling in high spirits, my mum and Lil (My nan) greeted me with smiles.
"You look lovely" they beamed.
"Thanks" I said "And do you like the stockings!" As I flashed them, my mum's face dropped!
"Well you can't wear them, you can see them!"
"That's the whole point mum!"
"I like them" Lil, chipped in.
"Well I don't think there very appropriate" Mum snapped backed
"I wear them all the time in London." I retorted!
"Well you might do a lot of things in London, but this isn't London. You know what the men are like here. You'll probably get raped if you go out wearing those!" said mum.
"They remind me of when I was a girl. You know in the war they use to draw them on and.." Lil said before she was interrupted.
"Yes thank you mother, but this is not the war! This is a wedding and these are not appropriate! You'll give all the Grandads a bloody heart attack!" Mum went on.
"OK! I'll sodding take them off then!" I screamed as I stormed up stairs. I felt like I had reverted back to my youth. You know when your told you can't go out looking like that and comments like "Is that a skirt or a belt!" The difference is I'm 29! I guess I should know better, but I realised a few things that night. I sat around watching my old friends, all in couples, all with mortgages, some married and the rest will be soon and I realised I have never grown up. Does it worry me? Sometimes, but that's the way I am and it is the path I have chosen and I wouldn't change any of the decisions I have made in this life, even the bad one's, even wearing stockings, which I will still continue to wear, just not to weddings! The wedding itself was great and it was nice to see and catch up with old friends. Even after all these years we are all still the same girls, just with better hair and dress sense.
DRESS: Stop Staring
BAG: Second Hand
FLOWER: From my Florist Mother's stock
STOCKINGS: Agent Provocateur
Being back in Warrington I have made lots of observations, most of them being on the in fashions of the town. So this observations is dedicated to "SO IN RIGHT NOW!" in Warrington:
* I'm afraid the trackie bottoms tucked into Rockport look is still a major fashion statement.
* Beehives, but not in the trendy Winehouse, Rockabilly way. Its more like Bet Lynch!
* Orange! Not in clothes but on the skin! It looks like they have been Tangoed! Or maybe more like pork scratching's as some look like they have well over done those sun beds.
* The obese look with some crap tatoos!
* The shell suit still seems to keep going after all these years. Yes I still saw some people wearing them!
Actually I do have some other observations to make!
* My Grandmother who is 76 seems to have a better love life than me. What the hell is going on!
* I realized a few things this weekend. Lets just say they left me feeling in a better place than I have done in a while. I feel quite strong now.
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