Where am I going? Well Italy it seems, backpacking around for a month, with a my mad Romany friend Liz, who I've been traveling with before. God! If its anything like last time she will have us living off fennel and Mangoes! Actually I don't think they have Mangoes in Italy, do they? I hope not! I love mangoes but when she started going out picking them for free in the Cook Islands it was Mango for breakfast, mango for lunch, mango for dinner, mango for supper, mango juice to drink, even frigging mango with vodka! You can have to many mangoes you know. Apart from that Liz is a great laugh and is completely mad so we get on well. Anna, Liz's friend is with us for the first ten days and we have actually never met before. I'm meeting her for the first time at the airport tomorrow, so I hope we get on otherwise that could be a bit shit. Then when we get up to Florence Deb's and Becky B are meeting us. So we will be broke after that as debs doesn't understand the term backpacking or on the cheap. If we left it to her we would be staying in the bloody Hilton and eating at every 5 star restaurant in town. I'm not saying I wouldn't love it but I would be bankrupt which can be a problem! We start in Rome, go to Naples, down south to a little town called Tropea, up to Rome again, then Florence, a week in a villa (actually more like a cottage!) in Tuscany and then finally onto Venice. Bring it on.
Where am I going in life? Haven't got a clue! I've never been so lost in life as I am right now. Maybe I'm having one of those freak outs that people have before they reach 30! I don't know. There are some things I do know. I'm not sad, I'm not bitter, or angry. What I am is disappointed! Constantly! I'm disappointed by work, men and lifestyle, to the point that I don't get excited or expect anything, anymore. Maybe this is the worst thing to feel out of them all. With all the excesses of my life recently I have been trying to find some sort of excitement again but as the great poets Maximo park once said " the path of excess only led to boredom!" I'm not saying I'm going going away to find myself as I hate all that bollocks. No I'm going away to get out of my London routine that has become unhealthy and to be around the girls like old times and have a bloody good adventure. Well I'm taking my laptop with me so, I can keep you up to date with my Italian adventures.
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