So I work in costume for TV and film. I often get asked what is it I exactly do? Mmh! I often ask myself the same question! My full title is costume assistant, which basically means I work on set while filming occurs and take all the shit from all the actors and directors! The hours are long and there is a lot of waiting around sometimes, but what I like is the unpredictability of the job and the odd situations you are put in. These include doing checks on the wing of an airplane at south end on sea airport on actresses who were pretending to sunbathe topless on it as the scene was meant to be Spain, but in reality it was a freezing February day in England! Then other day I was dressing an actor who was impersonating Gordon brown dressed in union jack boxers and socks with suspenders in a pool, surrounded by bikini clad beauties and then there is my favourite one is sewing a strap on to an actor as it had broken, while a big horny Alsatian was licking my legs! These are just a few of the weird scenarios that have happened to me while doing this job and believe me: you can't make this stuff up! I could never do an office job, I would go insane! My job suits my personality and you do get to meet incredible people and see some amazing places that I would never have gone to other wise. The most important thing that I do at work though is I know how to have a lot of fun and so do the people I work with and we try and mess around on set as much as possible. Well what do you expect. We are material girls!

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