Wednesday 23 December 2009


Me and Deb's headed to Heathrow the other day to pick up our good friend James, or as we like to call him  "Lord Rogers!"  We all went to uni and we lived in London together but he went to live in New Zealand about five years ago, but is back for the holidays.  He is a lovely guy, he just has a tendency of being on another planet that isn't realistic and can be a bit of a snob, but in the most funny way.  Hence the name Lord Rogers.  I last saw him 2 years ago when I was sat in a hospital bed attached to a drip, feeling like hell, very ill, in a hospital in Hackney.  The scene was as follows:
James waltzes into the ward leaving Debs trailing in his wake.  He plonks himself down at the end of my bed and looks around in horror and starts on one.
"Well I heard it was a hell hole and it is!  Though its not as hellish as I thought, but only just."
I stare back at him blankly, out of it.
He looks around again and spots the crazy obese woman in the bed opposite, who is screaming and has pulled out most of her hair! (She also told us the doctors were trying to kill us all every time they came to do check ups!)
"Oh God Carls!  Your in an insane ward.  Is it safe?  Are you Safe here?"  He said
I stare back blankly, out of it!
"Is She safe here do you think?  He asks Deb's.
She looks bemused.  I am still staring back blankly!  He continues:
"How's the food here?  I bet its crap, isn't it?  when I was in New zealand in hospital, they gave me fresh fruit everyday and the food was amazing, but they did give me my own private room which was so lovely."
I finally snap!
"James why don't you just piss off and stop making this hell worse than it already is!"  I stare back blankly, out of it.
"I'll forgive you carls!"  He retorts "You are clearly on too many drugs and you don't know what you are saying anymore.  Besides I'm hungry.  Come on Deb's, lets go!"
So he waltzes of out of the ward with Deb's trailing behind in his wake.

He was arriving back in the country with his boyfriend Jono, So me and Deb's thought we would give him the arrival he deserved, by giving him his own sign.  Warning do not hold up a sign at an airport saying "Lord Rogers and Man Servant" with out expecting to get some funny looks, which we got lots of.  Who cares? James and Jono, thought it was a deserving and funny welcome sign and it was good to see my old friend again.  Jono is lovely too, and hot.  Its a good job he's gay as me and Debs would have been fighting over him.

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