Thursday 30 April 2009


So we seem to have a new housemate. Minu, the cat from nextdoor. Minu just seems to live at ours these days and hardly ever goes home, and we all love her, so we have decided to adopt her. She is a total slag who swans around the place begging for food and rubbing herself up against you, but she is a real character and sweety all the same. I also think she is better off with us I we look after her. In our builing its not the greatest place for an animal to live, IE all the house parties, which at one of them I think some one gave her drugs,as I have never seen a cat behave like she did the next day! A cat on a E is very hard to handle. Anyway, anyone who knows me, will know I'm a huge animal lover and would fill the whole flat with animals if I got my own way. Maybe we could get some more. When I grow older I want to be one of those crazy old ladies that opens an animal santury, with cats and dogs and donkeys (You got have donkeys!) I'll be like Bridget Bardot and I will be covered in cat hair and wear a turban or something like that! Oh! and I would like the santuary to be in Tuscany! Sorry getting carried away again!


* Me and Angus have been listening to heavy rock all day IE Iron maiden. Love it

* Work is like buses. Have been waiting around for a big job for over a month then get asked to do two on the same day.


I got a phone call the other day from my friend Amie who I had worked with last summer. I've haven't seen her since she left me to suffer, filming the rest of Trinity in that God dam, crumbling hell hole of a house in Quinetic, to go jetting around the world, dressing on Kylie Minogue's world tour. To say I was jealous was an understatement! Some people have all the luck! So it was was a very exciting surprise when Amie said she needed an extra dresser for a Kylie show dress rehearsal! Oh my God! I'm going to meet Kylie. Even though I love my bands and rock, Kylie is a legend! Someone that I have grown up with and to last so long in this material industry she deserves respect!
So I turned up at the address, which was a warehouse in Acton, which was not as glam as I was expecting and as I was walking up, a huge tinted window Mercedes pulls up and out steps Miss Minogue in front of me. I think I just stood there staring speechless. I have never been star struck before and its a weird feeling. You just can't believe they are actually real! I kept trying not to stare at her all day! She is so tiny, hardly wore any make-up and even though you can tell she has had work done she still looks amazing.
The work itself consisted of us doing a whole run through of her show and me dressing the male dancers, who were hot until they opened their mouths, as they were as camp as Christmas. It was fun work but actually full on as you don't stop during the whole show, doing hot and sweaty quick changes, but in between I tried to see as much as possible. It was like your own private little concert, in away. Such a great day and I got paid for it too, cash in hand! Brilliant!
Of course I could not take photos, even though I was dying to. So here are some pictures of her tour and the costumes I was working with.

Tuesday 28 April 2009


What do you get when you send two very daft Costume girls to the Baftas to film. Some very silly behaviour and some great photos. This was the case on sunday when me and Emma (Scamp) were sent to Southbank to film on the new BBC drama Fashion, which was filming at the Baftas. I do moan about my job sometimes, but doesn't everyone! Its on day like this though, when the sun is shining and your having fun and it doesn't feel like work at all, that I wouldn't want to be doing anything else in the world.

Emma recieves the award for best lint action in a drama!

Red carpet takeaway!

Waving to my fans

My Fans!

Emma waves to her fans (Actually there mine, but it makes her feel good!)

Eating sandwich on red carpet!

Signing autographs. Where has everyone gone!


* I am starting to look like a lesbian biker with my dress sense at the moment. weird thing is I quite like it!


Check out this video that my very talented housemate Angus did of his girlfriends birthday, at which him and Oli cooked for 30 people at our flat. As you can see it was a very good night of food, drink and revelry.

Friday 24 April 2009


I seem to be following the usual path that occurs after a break up. I have just come through the mourning period and now I am on to the second phase of this process: going a bit off the rails!. After two years of always having to think about someone else, I am now filled with a great sense of relief and freedom, which being on my own has left me with. All these feelings and factors add up to me doing all the things that I have not been doing for a long time IE partying, boys and drink, lots of drink! I seem to find myself waking up constantly with a hangover and with not much idea, but a few blurred memories of what happened the night before. Take for example last weekend. Friday night went out in Hoxton, ended up at some house party in the area with loads of Swedish people. Can't really remember how I got home. Saturday Ruben, Angus's brother, was playing a gig at Elizabeth hall on the South Bank, so the house (Or as they are now know :The family) got our best glad rags on (Any excuse to dress up) and headed down in support. It was a great night with Ruben's visuals and Dan's music.

It was even better because Oli lost his voice so we all gave him loads of shit all night and he couldn't answer back. Brilliant! Sunday I did it all again by going to the South Bank again with Deb's to watch her friends band, then to old street in the evening to watch another band, at which point I don't think I could see properly, but still insisted being dropped off in the taxi while everyone else was going home, at London Fields where a friend was still out drinking! All because I did not want to go home. After that it all gets a bit fuzzy! I keep waking up with hangovers and staying "Thats it! Never again!" but who am I trying to fool. I'm having to good a time to stop now!


* Really need to cut down on the alcohol as I'm not going to have a liver left. Also my friend at London fields said I kept touch her breasts all night and asking her whether they were real or not! Don't remember. Really have to stop!

* It appears I'm a Hoxton trendy or wanker (Depends which way you look at it!) and did not even know it! My friend and me were discussing it and apparently I fit the description: Ray bands? Check! Bike with basket? Check! Lots of skinny jeans? Check! Vast array of stupid hats? Oh God! Check!

Tuesday 14 April 2009


Unit 24 Oslo House East Wing, will now be know as Oslo house bike workshop, as Oli and Angus seemed to have made it into that today, after they have taken apart two bikes and scattered all the debris over the place! They don't even know what they are doing! They just want to look manly, get dirty and piss me off!


I can't remember the last time I had such a nice Easter. It was so calm and chilled, well apart from the start of it. Thursday night saw Eric's Easter bunny party, on the ground floor of the building and it seemed that the whole of Oslo House was in the party spirit and turned out. Unfortunately, the music was all a little bit hard core for me (Well it was more like scraping sounds than music) and when some guy who looked like a cross between Keith from the Prodigy and a deranged pixie started singing Punk, I knew it was time to leave. So I ended up with a friend in a Swedish guys, called Conrad, flat, with a some fluffy cats and talking shit to people who I have never met before, and will probably not remember them when I'm sober. When I did eventually get back to my flat it turned out the my flat mates, had the same opinion of the music at the party and had decided to start their own little party at ours. It was still going on at 3.00pm the next day when I still found a load of random people smoking and drinking on the sofa's! I asked them to piss off as politley as I could and even had to ring them a taxi as they were too wasted. Oh the joys of communal living!
Sunday saw Oli cook an amazing Cassoulet, which he got in a big mood about and said it wasn't a proper Cassoulet, as he hadn't been able to get all the ingredients because all the shops were shut. Thats what happens when you get a cooking perfectionist. I personally didn't care what he called it, it was bloody amazing!

He was soon in better spirits after a few classes of wine as we all were and thats when we got the amazing idea to paint Easter eggs. Brilliant! So out came Angus's bike pump as an ingenius way of get getting the yolk out.

Don't try this at home kids!

Then out came my paint, Oli's blow torch, SSams marker pens, and a lot of mess. So here are the results: Its like Blue Peter but better.

We then decicded to let off a paper latern for SSam, in our "Lets save SSam" campaign, as SSam our house mate has not had her visa renewed and the government are trying to deport her. "Over our dead bodies!" We say.

The night was then finished off with drinks at the local Palm tree, with the good old swing band. They maybe old but no one does it better than them.

* Since the breakup i have become obsessed with playing solitaire. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or healthy?

Thursday 9 April 2009


So yesterday I had to go the Mayfair hotel for the press launch of Red Dwarf, which I can now tell you was the programme I was working on. I had to work dressing the actors, but then go to the fancy drinks bit, afterwards. Oh God! I got myself into a right mess on what to wear! Well I had to work and get there in the afternoon, so it had to be practical and not to dressy as I would look totally stupid. At the same time this is one of the best hotels in London! God if I had money I would love to stay there. Check out there website here. After what seemed like ages and trying all of my wardrobe, I chose a simple black round neck, the trusted purple high waisted skirt, the boyfriend blazer, with leopard ballet pumps, finished off with jewellery to jazz it up. It was a good chose but I still wish I had worn my Vivien's of Holloway, polka dot dress.
I Turned up at the hotel where we had a suite to change the actors. As the actors did not turn up for a while me and Fraser decided to try out the rooms mod cons and steal the toiletries. Also got room service as it was on production.

When the actors did arrive we dressed them ready for a press call in Berkeley square, which I had to go and see, but only to get a look at their mad fans. Red Dwarf has a huge fan base, from all over the world, but to be fair most of them are lets say, SPECIAL! Actually they scare me a bit some of them. They all look like they stay inside a lot, and are the types that look like they are into rubber, have a gimp in the basement and are just generally into dark things! For God sake most of them masturbate over Sci-Fi!

That was about as close as I could get with the mad fans!

After the excitement of the fans, it was the time I had been looking forward to. Yes! Free drinks! All night, my glass was constantly filled by waiters with wine! HEAVEN. We also had a screening of the finished product, which I must say looked very good, which I was very shocked about due to the time and budget we had. The party had its usual z list celebs: Some girls from Hollyoaks, Terry Pratchett, and the ginger bloke from the Orange adverts. Show biz! All in all a very good, a bit drunk, night. Has I was leaving all the Paps were waiting with their cameras. "Not for Lady Warrington, are they?" I thought. No of course not! Pixie Geldof and Noel fielding were leaving behind me!

Check out the Red Dwarf episodes which are on this weekend on Dave, on Friday, Saturday, and sunday at 9.00pm. Also on Sunday there is a making of documentary, which I think I will be in, most likely looking ruff, as the picture below shows.