Sunday 21 March 2010


Being a mad person (so I am told by many!), I seem to attract other mad people, as most of my friends, housemates, and pets are completely insane too.  I quite like it though, and think us types should really stick together.  This insanity also includes work too, as there are many people in this industry that are insane that I work with, but its more fun that way.  Maybe thats why I do my job?  Anyway, none are more fun and wacky than my Costume supervisor and good friend; Fraser.  He always makes me laugh even on the worst days, which makes him the best person to work with.  On our current job his latest thing seems to taking a new wig from the Make-up department each day and taking a photo of himself, which seems to bring him great amusement!  So here are the results and my little tribute to Mr Purfitt.  I hope it brings a smile to your face, like it did me.

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Tuesday 16 March 2010


 I have been a very bad blogger recently.  I've been working like a dog, so I haven't really done anything, which equals little to write about.  On top of that, my health has been quite bad lately.  For nearly 2 months now it has been one illness after another, but the last 2 weeks have been terrible.  Colds, coughs, migraines, sore throats, upset stomaches and to finish it off, I have spent most of the last three days over the toilet vomiting.  I feel like my body is falling apart.  I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and I didn't even recognise the person staring back at me.  My skin, which is usually pale at this time of year underneath the blush I wear, is more a grey tinge.  My eyes look tired, with bags hanging underneath them and my hair looks greasy and lifeless.  I haven't eaten properly in over 3 days.  I basically feel minging. It would have been all so horrible, if today the sun hadn't shone.  On the way home from the doctors (Again!), the sun gleamed down and after a morning nap I decided to grab my sketch pad and sit on the roof terrace, and make the most of the blue skies.  It felt so good to feel the rays on my face again.  It has been such a long, cold,  horrible winter that I've almost forgotten what the sun looked like, but  I know I'm going to see it more often from now on, as Spring is finally here and I couldn't be happier.  I think the colour has come back to my cheeks already.