What do you get when you send two very daft Costume girls to the Baftas to film. Some very silly behaviour and some great photos. This was the case on sunday when me and Emma (Scamp) were sent to Southbank to film on the new BBC drama Fashion, which was filming at the Baftas. I do moan about my job sometimes, but doesn't everyone! Its on day like this though, when the sun is shining and your having fun and it doesn't feel like work at all, that I wouldn't want to be doing anything else in the world.
Emma recieves the award for best lint action in a drama!
Red carpet takeaway!
Waving to my fans
My Fans!
Emma waves to her fans (Actually there mine, but it makes her feel good!)
Eating sandwich on red carpet!
Signing autographs. Where has everyone gone!
* I am starting to look like a lesbian biker with my dress sense at the moment. weird thing is I quite like it!
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