So we seem to have a new housemate. Minu, the cat from nextdoor. Minu just seems to live at ours these days and hardly ever goes home, and we all love her, so we have decided to adopt her. She is a total slag who swans around the place begging for food and rubbing herself up against you, but she is a real character and sweety all the same. I also think she is better off with us I we look after her. In our builing its not the greatest place for an animal to live, IE all the house parties, which at one of them I think some one gave her drugs,as I have never seen a cat behave like she did the next day! A cat on a E is very hard to handle. Anyway, anyone who knows me, will know I'm a huge animal lover and would fill the whole flat with animals if I got my own way. Maybe we could get some more. When I grow older I want to be one of those crazy old ladies that opens an animal santury, with cats and dogs and donkeys (You got have donkeys!) I'll be like Bridget Bardot and I will be covered in cat hair and wear a turban or something like that! Oh! and I would like the santuary to be in Tuscany! Sorry getting carried away again!
* Me and Angus have been listening to heavy rock all day IE Iron maiden. Love it
* Work is like buses. Have been waiting around for a big job for over a month then get asked to do two on the same day.
aww the cat is lovely!