I can't remember the last time I had such a nice Easter. It was so calm and chilled, well apart from the start of it. Thursday night saw Eric's Easter bunny party, on the ground floor of the building and it seemed that the whole of Oslo House was in the party spirit and turned out. Unfortunately, the music was all a little bit hard core for me (Well it was more like scraping sounds than music) and when some guy who looked like a cross between Keith from the Prodigy and a deranged pixie started singing Punk, I knew it was time to leave. So I ended up with a friend in a Swedish guys, called Conrad, flat, with a some fluffy cats and talking shit to people who I have never met before, and will probably not remember them when I'm sober. When I did eventually get back to my flat it turned out the my flat mates, had the same opinion of the music at the party and had decided to start their own little party at ours. It was still going on at 3.00pm the next day when I still found a load of random people smoking and drinking on the sofa's! I asked them to piss off as politley as I could and even had to ring them a taxi as they were too wasted. Oh the joys of communal living!
Sunday saw Oli cook an amazing Cassoulet, which he got in a big mood about and said it wasn't a proper Cassoulet, as he hadn't been able to get all the ingredients because all the shops were shut. Thats what happens when you get a cooking perfectionist. I personally didn't care what he called it, it was bloody amazing!
He was soon in better spirits after a few classes of wine as we all were and thats when we got the amazing idea to paint Easter eggs. Brilliant! So out came Angus's bike pump as an ingenius way of get getting the yolk out.
Don't try this at home kids!
Then out came my paint, Oli's blow torch, SSams marker pens, and a lot of mess. So here are the results: Its like Blue Peter but better.
We then decicded to let off a paper latern for SSam, in our "Lets save SSam" campaign, as SSam our house mate has not had her visa renewed and the government are trying to deport her. "Over our dead bodies!" We say.
The night was then finished off with drinks at the local Palm tree, with the good old swing band. They maybe old but no one does it better than them.
* Since the breakup i have become obsessed with playing solitaire. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or healthy?
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