Wednesday 5 January 2011


So after what seemed like forever and a cancelled flight, me and my friend Hannah, have finally made it here to Costa Rica.  I didn't realise until I got here how burnt out I was and arrived full of Flu and feeling like shit, but after a week of Sunshine and chilling, I feel like a new person, but it does help when your staying in paradise.  Actually thats the name of my hostel here in Nasaro, Well "Almost Paradise."  Nostaro is a little village on the Pacific side of Costa Rica, where not much happens apart from surfing.  God they live for surfing here.  Your an outcast if your not carrying a surf board on the beach.  It also means there are lots of hot surfers to look at all day long which suits me fine.  Anyway back to the hostel.  I'm staying in the same place, that my friend Cat is living at, as she is out here for the year.  I chose to stay in the dorms to save money and it has been the best decision, as I have had so much fun.  My room mates are a Candian called Pete who me and Hannah picked up the plane, a German chef called Thomas, Alex a French guy who smokes too much and thinks its funny to walk round wearing our bras?, Maria a Spanish girl doing volunteer work in San Jose and an Aussie, called guess what?  Carly!  I have have now had that changed to Carly 2 as I was there first!  We all get along really well, very well in fact, but I'll get to that later.  The hostel is owned by a cool German couple called Julie and Stefan, who have a crazy dog called Charlie to match, but they are so lovely and look after us all like a family. We also have two crazy next door neighbours, Cat's surf teacher friends; Owen and Jeffery.  Owen who is from the west country and we can never usually understand what he says and has the maddest long blonde hair you have ever seen, but he can surf amazingly.  Jeff who is Dutch and Cat has warned me and Hannah not to go there as he will want us both (Probably at the same time)! This is not because we are special, its because we have breasts and are breathing! Still we find them fun to hang out with and they are really nice guys.They give us rides in their car the ghetto blaster as it is know which is the biggest shit heap you have ever seen, as it has no windows and they will get fined my the police if they get caught in it as it is not road worthy!
So new year was when it all kicked off.  We all had drinks at sunset on the beach and then headed off in jeeps to the strangest party ever.  We went high up into the mountains of Costa Rica only to find ourselves at a replica english pub called the Black Sheep, which was full of yanks and surfers.  We all preceeded to get very drunk and Cat and Jeff decided to jump in to the pool and thought that everyone would follow  but everyone else just looked on which was very funny.  We then went to a club called La Tropicana where I then started kissing my German roomy Thomas!  I know I said no more Germans after Jan, but he is one of the funniest guys I have ever met which is strange as most Germans aren´t meant to have a sense of humor!  We then decided to walk home but realised in are drunk state that we were to far and were being followed by a horse which was freaking me out, so decided to hitch hike and got picked up by some locals who were playing the Cure?  We got back to the dorms and decided to have some fun on the balcony only to find Carly 2 looking sheepish and Alex just sat there in his under pants having a fag not really giving a shit, what anyone saw (So French)! So me and Thomas then went to the below balcony and tried to have fun in the hammock which is very hard when you are drunk and I kept falling out.  The next day feeling very ropey I realised that Pete or Maria had not come home, as it turns out they were making out on the beach.  Hostel of love or what!  So this started us all sneaking around like teenagers and all us getting into each others bunk beds when the other couples were out.  Me and Thomas got caught on the top bunk the other day when Alex thought it was really funny to shine a torch at us in the dark, but we got our own back as we later caught them in the hammock.  God as I'm getting older I seem to be acting more like a child!  Anyway it being me, nothing is ever simple and there is a slight hitch with me and the Thomas thing!  Before I got to Nasaro he met a French girl who he had arranged to stay with for a couple of days before she went back to France.  He couldn't get in contact with her to tell not to come back as she was up a bloody volcano some where, so now she has turned up and he's now shacked up with her, which is very uncomfortable as everyone knows about me and him. In fact, I had to have breakfast this morning with them and our little group and we kept looking at each other and all I could think was "God I want to rip your clothes off"! I know I will go to hell!   Anyway she goes in 2 days and he said he is staying in Nasaro to surf.  Hmmm!  Will keep you posted on that one.  I Start Spanish lessons next week and Owen is also going to teach me and Hannah surfing.  God help us!

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